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Juin 2024

New Guide for Researchers on Knowledge Transfer!

Discover the new version of the EN & FR interactive guide developed for researchers by the LiEU Network & ULB-KTO and learn everything you need to know about knowledge transfer, patents, copyright, etc. Download the memo for more interactivity!



Pré-Appel INFRA-GEQ 2024

Deadline: 30/06/2024 | Toutes disciplines



Appel INFRA-GEQ 2024

Deadline: 26/09/2024 | Toutes disciplines


Audacious Medical Grant (AMG) Neuro

Deadline: 15/07/2024 | Disciplines: neurosciences



Win2Wal 2025

1e deadline: 10/09/2024 | Disciplines: Matériaux circulaires, Innovation pour des modes de conceptions et de production agiles et sûrs, Systèmes énergétiques et habitat durables.


MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024

Deadline: 11/09/2024 | All domains



Subventions Jaumotte-Demoulin: Appel 2024

Deadline: 12/09/2024 | Toutes disciplines



Avoiding Predatory Publishers

27/06 - 10:00-11:30 | in English | Know what predatory publishers are to identify them and avoid them more effectively.



ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant Proposal writing training

28/06 - 09:30-16:00 | Training held online by the NCP Flanders in English | For ERC Starting and Consolidator Grant applicants


Summer intensive courses in French

During summertime, ULB Langues offers a 60-hour French course for PhD candidates. To attend these classes, you must first pass a level test on 12-13 August.



ULB Summer School: Boost Your Career

28-29/08 et 09-10/09 - 9:00-17:30 | Notre Summer School vous guidera de la définition d'un plan de carrière réaliste à l'exécution de stratégies efficaces de recherche d'emploi. Inscrivez-vous au plus vite!


MSCA Doctoral Networks 2024 Proposal Training

12/09 - 9:00-17:15 | Training held online by the NCP Belgium | For Supervisors & Researchers | In English



Autumn school : Communiquer sa recherche

09-10/10 | Lausanne | L'ULB et l'UNIL organisent pour les chercheur·ses deux journées de formation à la médiation scientifique et communication grand public.



Digital Europe upcoming calls

01/07 - 10:00-12:00 | Event held online by the NCP Flanders in English | For researchers



CERIS Event: E-Commerce Security and Countering Illicit Transactions

11/07 - 9:00-19:00 | Event held in Brussels by the European Commission in English | For researchers



Call for contributions - Conference

Deadline: 7 July | Participate in the call for contributions on addressing the challenges of participatory research, for the Conference "Creating knowledge through participatory research" on 12-15 November.



Appel à communications pour Ludovia#BE

Deadline: 12 juillet | Participez au concours Ludovia#Express pendant le festival francophone des pédagogies numériques Ludovia#BE, du 22 au 24 octobre 2024 à Spa.


Register to the WiseNight Science Festival !

27/09 at the Planetarium & 28/09 at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brussels | Researchers have the possiblity to present their research in a brief plenary session, followed by interactive group discussions.



Prix Philippe Maystadt 2023 - 2024

Deadline: 15/10/2024 | Toutes disciplines | Objectif: valoriser et stimuler les travaux de recherche sur l'enseignement.



Nouveau rapport de l'Observatoire FNRS !

Lisez le nouveau Rapport de l'Observatoire FNRS sur la satisfaction au travail des titulaires de doctorat de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles!

27 juin
Clara VALENTIN - Faculté de Médecine | Maternal probiotic supplementation, a natural solution to improve neonatal immune responses against influenza A infection
27 juin
Paul GROßKOPF - Faculté des Sciences | Hopf categories, Frobenius categories and Homotopy Quantum Field Theories
28 juin
Charlotte NACHTEGAEL - Faculté des Sciences | Active learning for biomedical relation extraction, the oligogenic use case
1 juillet
Yora MOSTMANS - Faculté de Médecine | Evidence of microcirculatory involvement in well-established and newly emerging inflammatory skin diseases with autoimmune signature
2 juillet
Adrien TOURNEUR - Faculté de Médecine | Single nuclei and spatial transcriptomics profiling of anaplastic and papillary thyroid cancer heterogeneity
2 juillet
Bruno GARCIA - Faculté de Médecine | Pathophysiology of the Renin-Angiotensin System in Septic Shock and Therapeutic Modulation of the Classical and Alternative Pathways
2 juillet
Diego ORBEGOZO CORTES - Faculté de Médecine | Studies on the microcirculation: evaluation of some pathophysiologic aspects
27 juin
Conférence "(Dé)Civilisation et nationalisme - Bon sens et contresens" | Campus du Solbosch
27 juin
"Comment reconnaître l'approche collaborative ? Stéphane RULLAC" | Campus du Solbosch

Coordination et édition
Joffrey Baneton, Antoine Delers, Marius Gilbert, Peggy Maes, Aurélie Messina et Mathias Schroijen - Département recherche
Nathalie Gobbe - Département des Relations extérieures
Cellule web
Caroline Mevel