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The Lesbian and Gay Movement and the State

Tremblay Manan, Paternotte David, Johnson Carol, Ashgate, 2011, 244 pages

'This powerful and insightful book throws unprecedented light on the different historical contexts in which national movements have developed and confronted or collaborated with the state. Its richness and diversity reflects the richness and diversity of what is now a global movement. This is an essential read.'
Jeffrey Weeks, London South Bank University, UK

'Especially valuable are overviews p rovided of countries in Latin America, Asia, and other regions where the relationship between activists and state authorities has been in such dramatic flux. Readers committed to serious comparative understanding of sexual diversity politics will find this volume immensely useful.'
David Rayside, University of Toronto, Canada and author of Queer Inclusions, Continental Divisions: Public Recognition of Sexual Diversity in Canada and the United States.

'...this impressive collection offers thoughtful consideration of the dynamic and fluid relationship between the lesbian and gay social movement and institutions of the state...'
Angela R. Wilson, University of Manchester, UK.