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European social democracy during the global economic crisis

Bailey David J., De Waele Jean-Michel, Escalona Fabien, Vieira Mathieu, Manchester University Press, 2015, 304 pages

This book makes an important contribution to the existing literature on European social democracy in the wake of the 2008 financial crash and ensuing recession. It assesses how social democratic parties have responded, at the national as well as at the European Union level. A wide range of leading political scientists provide the reader with an in-depth understanding of the prospects for social democracy in the midst of an unprecedented crisis for neoliberalism.
The book draws together some of the most well-known and prestigious scholars of social democracy and social democratic parties, along with a number of impressive new scholars in the field, to present a compelling and up to date analysis of social democratic fortunes in the contemporary period. It benefits from an analysis of social democratic parties' experiences in 6 different countries - the UK, Sweden, Germany, France, Spain and Greece - along with a number of chapters on the fate of social democracy in the institutions of the EU.