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Interregionalism and the European Union. A Post-Revisionist Approach to Europe's Place in a Changing World

Telo Mario, Fawcett Louise, Ponjaert Frederic, Éditions Ashgate, 2015, 486 pages

Is the EU isolated within the emergent multipolar world? Concentrating on interregional relations and focussing on the European Union's (EU) evolving international role with regards to regional cooperation, this innovative book collects a set of fresh empirical analyses of interregional ties binding the EU with its Eastern and Southern neighbourhood, as well as with Asia, Africa and the Americas. The 25 leading authors from 5 continents have contributed original and diverse chapters and the book advances a novel theoretical 'post-revisionist' approach beyond both the Eurocentrism of 'Europe First' perspectives as well as the Euroscepticism of those advocating to simply move 'Beyond Europe'.